Paranormal Investigator Gift Guide 2023

It’s that time of year again! Time to make a list, check it twice, and shop for the weirdo . . . I mean ghost hunter in your life. Here are some ideas to light up your paranormal enthusiasts holiday. 

  1. Video Camera: These range in price and what you buy depends on your budget and the person using the camera. I have 2 primary cameras that I use regularly. One is a Sony AX53 and the other is a Full Spectrum 4K POV Camera. One cost over $1000 and the other under $200. Both are effective cameras for paranormal investigation. 
  2. Voice Recorder: This is another standard item that should be in every investigator’s toolkit and ranges in price. I use a Sony ICD-PX470 and I have friends in the field that use a more expensive Zoom Recorder. The price difference can be $50 to over $100.  
  3. EDI+ Data Logger: I have one and wish I had at least three of these. They are really good for gathering data for the duration of an investigation. These little guys record EMF, vibration, temperature, humidity, and pressure. The only thing it doesn’t have that would make it better is a clock setting so the data points had an associated time stamp. They produce a .csv file that can be used to graph environmental changes over time.
  4. Mel Meter with REM: If you are going to use an EMF meter, there are a few out there that are pretty good and some that are junk. This is one that I like because it includes temperature and REMpod capabilities making it a multifunction device. 
  5. TriField TF2 EMF Meter: I’m a data nerd so it shouldn’t be surprising to see another data device on the list. I really like my TriField because it gives me the option of reading RF or EMF. 
  6. Spirit Box: We have been using this more lately as we continue to experiment with the Estes Method. Everyone will have their favorite box so keep this in mind when shopping. One teammate loves the SB11 while another likes the GhostStop SBox. There are also a variety of portal boxes that range in popularity and price. Choose what fits your situation and your budget. 
  7. APF-D Processor: This device looks interesting for anyone who regularly works with a spirit box. This device claims to have a display for audio spectrum visualization, amplify audio, 10 second loop playback allowing you to rewind responses, adjustable speed control, adjustable noise reduction, and an adjustable high pass filter allowing only higher frequencies to pass through. If you already have all the other toys, this would be an interesting one to add to the mix. 
  8. Footstep Tracker Geophone: When you go to a place with reports of footsteps, it’s nice to be able to get a visual to accompany the auditory phenomena. I don’t own one of these yet but it is on my list. 
  9. Tracer Light Wire: Speaking of phantom footsteps, the light wire is another way to visualize motion in a space. 
  10. IR Light: I’m probably going to say this every year but IR lights are essential. Every investigator who utilizes video needs to have a variety of IR lights ready to go. I bought this one recently and really like it.
  11. Memory cards: 32G and 128G memory cards (Class 10/C10) are standard for most devices used in the paranormal field. Investigators use a lot of them and lose a lot of them. This is a great item to stick in a stocking. 
  12. Flashlight: Staying with basic items that every investigator needs in their tool kit, flashlights may seem too simple but they are essential. Plus, having multiple is useful when you forget where you left the last 3 flashlights you bought. 
  13. External Hard Drive: Once we pull our audio and video from those memory cards, we have to store it somewhere. I recommend 2TB or more for storage capacity. 
  14. Trigger Objects: This can include playing cards, games, toy cars, a teddy bear, kids books, pack of cigarettes, shot glass, and more. Get a box and load it up with fun items that can be used to entice something to interact. 
  15. Gift Cards: Paranormal investigation is expensive so gift cards for Amazon, GhostStop, or a favorite gas station will be much appreciated by any active investigator. 

You don’t have to break the bank to be a good investigator. While all of these things are fun to have, the essentials are a basic voice recorder, an IR video camera, a notebook, and critical thinking skills. Your best evidence is always going to be in the form of video and audio recordings so start there. If your loved one is new to the field of paranormal investigation, these may be the basic items they need. 

Until next time, Happy Hunting!

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